Sunday, January 26, 2020

Evaluation of a Business Venturing Process

Evaluation of a Business Venturing Process Introduction In all countries of the world, it is attractive and so straightforward to start up a new business but the genuine dispute lies in enduring the cutthroat problems associated with the development of the enterprise over the years. Most entrepreneurs face a strong time in establishing a business venture due to lack of branding techniques and correct trading design, thus only when you are able to market your products correctly to your goal segment will you be able to have income to push your business to the next level. It is a known fact that an enterprise achievement is reliant on the concerted efforts of an individual, organization or groups of people of diverse foremost purposes, yet branding stands as a significant aspect in business venturing. Your branding efforts should be powerfully sufficient enough to assert your authority in the market, though not just to insert your business title to your segment but to conceive an influence on them. For a new enterprise, the trading and branding scheme should perfectly be adopted to establish its occurrence, conceive title acknowledgement, and construct integrity amidst the goal market segment and assist to its rank and reputation (Blanchflower 2007). The formation of a new business enterprise is vital in the economic activities of any country though the study of the venturing process is limited in that it focuses more on the various dimensions of the business rather than the entrepreneur itself. In their analysis, P.Rodrigeuz, C.S.Tuggle and S.M.Hackett (2009) examined the deficiencies by adopting the internal social capital perspective and observe the effects of the family, social organizations and ethnic context in business venturing and formation. The household was perceived as a stronghold in business formation which serves as the nest as well as the opportunity platform for most venture creation. There are countless business venture entrepreneurs today that relies more on the internet for their business survival, rotating in the direction of the internet in alignment to start and run a very thriving business enterprise project.Basically, millions of buyers flock to the internet each day in alignment to present their buyers with everyday buyer activities and buys, while business proprietors establishing websites to sell their essentials to prospective or intending buyers on the net. With this being an unbelievable apply and really increasing to be more and more the case, there are really unbelievable numbers of entrepreneur that are liking to understand the more affiliate established enterprise achievement tips in alignment to stay competitive, comparable and thriving in the business settings.However,starting and owning a website is often certain thing that is fantasized often by those desiring to gain and get access to a rich mode of dwelling in a fast earnings, of course it is a very thriving method of embarking on a business project but the general method really takes a large deal of time and effort. Thus there should be a due diligence put upon supplying an unbelievable allowance of enterprise achievement in the process (Gregory 2002). Truly, any internet enterprise should gravely work out what their enterprise niche is in alignment to work out and how to precede forward. Basically, this is pertinent in that one should work out what they excel in and what goods and services to offer. Without such, there will often be a large deal of adversity in the enterprise ownership process. When utilising affiliate enterprise tips, one will find out how important it is to select and affiliate with the merchandise that is applicable to your niche. The concept of entrepreneurship- The Schumpeterian and Kirznerian view Joseph Schumpeter in his book capitalism, socialism and democracy (1942) explains the concept of entrepreneurship in its totality. He defined an entrepreneur as an agent of change, a risk taker who represented a destructive force in the economy by introducing a new product that pushes away the old one, thereby rendering it useless..this is referred to as creative destruction. Schumpeters creative destruction analysis sees entrepreneurs as an agent of change who is visionaries and innovators that brings about change in the economy. Kirzner in his approach sees Joseph Schumpeters view as a complimentary as his concept is just an abstract from Schumpeters it does not negate innovation process. The business venture process. An xiray and critical evaluation. In discussing the business venturing process, we will examine the process framework of the business venturing activities from the exploration to the exploitation of the business opportunities as well as the entrepreneurs exit. Most scholars sees business venturing as a process(Davidsson et al 2001) while others sees it as both exploration and exploitation of business opportunities(Bhave 2004).But those frame work that adopts business venturing as a process takes a narrow segment of the field such as corporate business venturing(Burgelman 1983). The divergent views on the meaning of entrepreneur (individual) and entrepreneurship (process) does not necessarily negates the process of business venturing (Davidsson et al 2001).Here it is observed that entrepreneurship is a contextidependent process of creating goods and services that is a function of the exploration and the exploitation processes. In theory, entrepreneurship is regarded as the entries of new firms in the market i drives the market process and develop the economy through the following mechanisms (Davidsson 2003, 2004; Kirzner 1973): It provides buyers with new choices of product which serves as an instant alternative. It creates a competitive atmosphere for the existing firms in order to shape up to survive in the business It provides for followers who will augment for the competition in the business. The exploration phase March (1991) explains the exploration process as other activities which includes search, risk taking, discovery, experimentation, innovation among others. To the entrepreneur, discovery is the first stage of the exploration process which begins with the observation of the new opportunities. Kirzner (2003) believes alert entrepreneur will first discover the opportunity of any business venture in an imperfect market. Opportunities arise as a result of inefficiencies in the market which invariably result in market disequilibrium that will be about individual yearning for business set up. Apart from discovering opportunities, effective and efficient use of the observed opportunity is another problem, errors occur in differentiating actual and perceived opportunities (Kirzner 1997). Searching for information is a great task for an entrepreneur (Cooper et al.1995) and maximum utilization of such information is another. Problems arises as a result of inappropriate use of the information at the entrepreneurs disposal with can cause a whole lots of havoc for the business which ranges from misallocations of resources, shortage of resources or even surplus which is as a result of the entrepreneurs errors. Welch and Young (1982) identified two generalized information sources available to the entrepreneurs as: (a)Entrepreneurs own stock knowledge and understanding of the business enterprise; (b)External sources of information including those available to the public and the entrepreneurs private networks and social actors. The social actors are referred to as the family members, colleagues, business associates and professionals. The exploitation phase March (1991) further explains the exploitation phase as the stage at which the entrepreneur takes appropriate choice in determining the best amongst the information at his disposal. To him exploitation includes refinement, choice, production, efficiency and implementation.Here, organizing and planning of all the available resources is put into fore. Shane and Venkataraman (2000) examine the two forms of business exploitation process available to entrepreneur which includes; (a) the creation of new ventures/firms herein refers to as hierarchies. (b) the sale of opportunities to the existing firms herein refers to as the markets. The former will exist as a result of market failure, maybe the enterprise so created has got a good characteristic among the public thereby difficult to protect, though they still remain in the market due to good knowledge of the business and which is not ready to be given away. On the other hand, the latter phase of business exploitation endears the entrepreneur to adapt to the business and improve on the basic opportunities lies in it but chasing for the exit route. Here, they may find it difficult to convince the existing firm to buy the business without revealing the knowledge associated with the formation of the business (Mosakowski, 1991). It is believed that once the knowledge is revealed to the buyer, he will engage in opportunistic behavior by exploiting the entrepreneurs. The exit phase The exit phase has nothing to do in this discourse but at least we need to mention it for reference purpose as it has not been identified as a positive process to achieving entrepreneur aims and objective rather as a negative impact in business set up. In their analysis, Ronstadt (1986), Gimeno, Folta, Cooper and Woo (1997) defines exit as the discontinuation of business enterprise as opposed to survival or sales while another school of thought sees it as the harvesting of a new venture business (Petty 1997).It is the cessation of the entrepreneurial exploitation of the available resources and opportunities within its reach. FACTORS RESPONSIBLE FOR NEW BUSINESS VENTURING: An examination of the MicroiMesoiMacro level The eclectic framework of entrepreneurship as proposed by Verheul, Wennekers, Audretch and Thurik (2002) and by Wennekers, Thurik and Uhlaner (2002) explains that entrepreneurship at the society level strongly depends on the level of opportunity available and provided by the population. The population capabilities and preferences coupled with the technology, economic development, culture and demographic situation plays a strong part in determining new business venturing. In discussing the factors attributable to the creation and successful new business venturing, we will discuss the following; (a)The Push vs. Pull Factor The pull factor is attributable to individual expectation of being better off as an entrepreneur. Every individual expectation is always high in that they believe entrepreneurship brings about material and non material benefits. To Stanworth and Curran (1973), the push and pull factor is also applicable to the economic and cultural factor because every enterprise is set up upon a certain benefit, be it material or otherwise. The push factor is precedent upon individual insatisfaction with his present state as compared to the desired state.Huisman and de Ridder (1984) explains it with individual dissatisfaction and frustration with previous wages, unemployment and personal or business crises and it is frequent with countries with lower per capita GDP. (b)The Economic Factor Blau (1987) in his general equilibrium model of self employment asserts that there are two key factors responsible for the rise of entrepreneurship in America as changes in technology and structure. The diminished comparative advantage of larger firms over the smaller ones institutes a great deal for individual to start thing of doing a business of their own instead of working for other people. Other explanation for the upsurge of the self employment includes female participation in labor force, tax rates, and unemployment among others. (c)The Cultural Factor Kroeber and Parson (1958) defines culture as patterns of values, ideas and symbolicimeaningful systems as factor in shaping human behaviours.Most researchers have looked down on the aspect of culture as a contributory factor in enhancing business venturing process until after the post materialism which adversely affects entrepreneurship. Extensive research about culture, belief and values has instituted a fact about individual decision to become self employed. To achieve a successful entrepreneurial venture, there should be buyer goal groundwork that is future of trading crusades and efforts in making them more thriving are put in place. However, one of the widespread affiliates enterprising achievement tip is to construct connection with any purchasers established, thereby creating a good network. The following are the basic tips needed to achieve real business venturing and must be adhere to very strictly: Write down your business plani This should be the first plan. Most entrepreneurs are negligent of this act; they undergo lots of stress and error as when opportunities are conceived they do not write them down. We are all aware of what to do yet it still needs to be written down. These should include enterprise description, design, and business plan. Focus on your brandingi Encouraging your brand of product is a duty to you as an entrepreneur. Conceive a professionally inclined logo that will incline the organization into the minds of the people. Create a web presencei This is the most vital part of any business, be it large or small. At least a website of your own will strongly appeal to the buyers and create a bit of respect for the organization. It should supply the complimentary data as printed in all your brochures and published materials. Always revise and update the website, it gives a lot of respect. Create an advertising strategyi Channeling your advertising directly to the products and services you rendered. As a local business enterprise, it is unnecessary to advertise in an international media as it will not help the course of the business. Get entrenched in the local area where your services are rendered and required. Be reliable in your advocating strategy. It is advisable to involve a PR agency in your advertising strategy as it is believed that a 5 minutes jingle would conceive to a lot of people than a 30 minutes publicity films. Business Networkingi Networking is adjudged as one of the best form of creating and spreading the good tides of the enterprise. It is the best form of promotion which involves a face to face activity. Also joining some organizations like the NGOs and chamber of commerce will institute a good form of business networking and undoubtedly improve the business as a whole. Measure, Analyse and Decidei This is a relentless effort in a business enterprise life cycle. Preparing a good enterprise design and business plan does not necessarily make the business viable, measuring the yields that you are getting from all the efforts geared into the business is essential. Analyzing the variance and look into the difference to decide on the conclusion. In your analysis, if it is negative, investigate it for future use. To make your enterprise project thriving, you require holding in your brain that you are the most precious asset at the disposal of the organization. By doing this character check, all your efforts will be geared towards developing the enterprise. Also you need to hold in high esteem that as an enterprise proprietor mindset is to institute a great deal and better understanding to the enterprise thereby making the enterprise successful. CONCLUSION It is the illusion of everyone to have a business enterprise conceived on the opportunity perceived in the society. A business venture is born on the premise of opportunities observed and utilized judiciously for a successful entrepreneurial process. Most businesses are built on the new advancement of technology which might not necessarily need all the tips for real business venturing but it is essentially important that all business ventures require a good enterprise design and branding. It is noteworthy that searching and risk taking forms the basis for business venturing start up but determining the best choice of business plan to undertake coupled with the tips for real business venturing will make the business worthwhile. Economic and socioicultural factors are adjudged to be responsible good business venturing but in all, the push vs. pull factor is largely responsible for the swift movement of people into entrepreneurship.

Saturday, January 18, 2020

Zoe’s Tale PART I Chapter Ten

There were two messages on my PDA after dinner that evening. The first was from Gretchen. â€Å"That Magdy character tracked me down and asked me out on a date,† it read. â€Å"I guess he likes girls who mock the crap out of him. I told him okay. Because he is kind of cute. Don't wait up.† This made me smile. The second was from Enzo, who had somehow managed to get my PDA's address; I suspect Gretchen might have had something to do with that. It was titled â€Å"A Poem to the Girl I Just Met, Specifically a Haiku, the Title of Which Is Now Substantially Longer Than the Poem Itself, Oh, the Irony,† and it read: Her name is Zoe Smile like a summer breeze Please don't have me cubed. I laughed out loud at that one. Babar looked up at me and thumped his tail hopefully; I think he was thinking all this happiness would result in more food for him. I gave him a slice of leftover bacon. So I guess he was right about that. Smart dog, Babar. After the Magellan departed from Phoenix Station, the colony leaders found out about the near-rumble in the common area, because I told them about it over dinner. John and Jane sort of looked at each other significantly and then changed the subject to something else. I guessed the problem of integrating ten completely different sets of people with ten completely different cultures had already come up in their discussions, and now they were getting the underage version of it as well. I figured that they would find a way to deal with it, but I really wasn't prepared for their solution. â€Å"Dodgeball,† I said to Dad, over breakfast. â€Å"You're going to have all us kids play dodgeball.† â€Å"Not all of you,† Dad said. â€Å"Just the ones of you who would otherwise be picking stupid and pointless fights out of boredom.† He was nibbling on some coffee cake; Babar was standing by on crumb patrol. Jane and Savitri were out taking care of business; they were the brains of this particular setup. â€Å"You don't like dodgeball?† he asked. â€Å"I like it just fine,† I said. â€Å"I'm just not sure why you think it's an answer to this problem.† Dad set down his coffee cake, brushed off his hands, and started ticking off points with his fingers. â€Å"One, we have the equipment and it fits the space. We can't very well play football or cricket on the Magellan. Two, it's a team sport, so we can get big groups of kids involved. Three, it's not complicated, so we don't have to spend much time laying out the ground rules to everyone. Four, it's athletic and will give you guys a way to burn off some of your energy. Five, it's just violent enough to appeal to those idiot boys you were talking about yesterday, but not so violent that someone's actually going to get hurt.† â€Å"Any more points?† I asked. â€Å"No,† Dad said. â€Å"I've run out of fingers.† He picked up his coffee cake again. â€Å"It's just going to be that the boys are going to make teams with their friends,† I said. â€Å"So you'll still have the problem of kids from one world staying with their own.† â€Å"I would agree with this, if not for the fact that I'm not a complete idiot,† Dad said, â€Å"and neither is Jane. We have a plan for this.† The plan: Everyone who signed up to play was assigned to a team, rather than allowed to pick their own team. And I don't think the teams were entirely randomly assigned; when Gretchen and I looked over the team lists, Gretchen noted that almost none of the teams had more than one player from the same world; even Enzo and Magdy were put on different teams. The only kids who were on the same â€Å"team† were the Kyotoans; as Colonial Mennonites they avoided playing in competitive sports, so they asked to be the referees instead. Gretchen and I didn't sign up for any teams; we appointed ourselves league managers and no one called us on it; apparently word of the intense mockery we laid on a wild pack of teenage boys had gotten around and we were feared and awed equally. â€Å"That makes me feel pretty,† Gretchen said, once such a thing was told to her by one of her friends from Erie. We were watching the first game of the series, with the Leopards playing against the Mighty Red Balls, presumably named after the game equipment. I don't think I approved of the team name, myself. â€Å"Speaking of which, how was your date last night?† I asked. â€Å"It was a little grabby,† Gretchen said. â€Å"You want me to have Hickory and Dickory talk to him?† I asked. â€Å"No, it was manageable,† Gretchen said. â€Å"And besides which, your alien friends creep me out. No offense.† â€Å"None taken,† I said. â€Å"They really are nice.† â€Å"They're your bodyguards,† Gretchen said. â€Å"They're not supposed to be nice. They're supposed to scare the pee out of people. And they do. I'm just glad they don't follow you around all the time. No one would ever come talk to us.† In fact, I hadn't seen either Hickory or Dickory since the day before and our conversation about touring the Obin planets. I wondered if I had managed to hurt their feelings. I was going to have to check in on them to see how they were. â€Å"Hey, your boyfriend just picked off one of the Leopards,† Gretchen said. She pointed at Enzo, who was playing in the game. â€Å"He's not my boyfriend, any more than Magdy is yours,† I said. â€Å"Is he as grabby as Magdy is?† Gretchen asked. â€Å"What a question,† I said. â€Å"How dare you ask. I'm madly offended.† â€Å"That's a yes, then,† Gretchen said. â€Å"No, it's not,† I said. â€Å"He's been perfectly nice. He even sent me a poem.† â€Å"He did not,† Gretchen said. I showed it to her on my PDA. She handed it back. â€Å"You get the poetry writer. I get the grabber. It's really not fair. You want to trade?† â€Å"Not a chance,† I said. â€Å"But he not's my boyfriend.† Gretchen nodded out to Enzo. â€Å"Have you asked him about that?† I looked over to Enzo, who sure enough was sneaking looks my way while moving around the dodgeball field. He saw I was looking his way, smiled over at me and nodded, and as he was doing that he got nailed righteously hard in the ear by the dodgeball and went down with a thump. I burst out laughing. â€Å"Oh, nice,† Gretchen said. â€Å"Laughing at your boyfriend's pain.† â€Å"I know! I'm so bad!† I said, and just about toppled over. â€Å"You don't deserve him,† Gretchen said, sourly. â€Å"You don't deserve his poem. Give them both to me.† â€Å"Not a chance,† I said, and then looked up and saw Enzo there in front of me. I reflexively put my hand over my mouth. â€Å"Too late,† he said. Which of course made me laugh even more. â€Å"She's mocking your pain,† Gretchen said, to Enzo. â€Å"Mocking it, you hear me.† â€Å"Oh, God, I'm so sorry,† I said, between laughs, and before I thought about what I was doing gave Enzo a hug. â€Å"She's trying to distract you from her evil,† Gretchen warned. â€Å"It's working,† Enzo said. â€Å"Oh, fine,† Gretchen said. â€Å"See if I warn you about her evil ways after this.† She very dramatically focused back on the game, only occasionally glancing over and grinning at me. I unhugged from Enzo. â€Å"I'm not actually evil,† I said. â€Å"No, just amused at the pain of others,† Enzo said. â€Å"You walked off the court,† I said. â€Å"It can't have hurt that much.† â€Å"There's pain you can't see,† Enzo said. â€Å"Existential pain.† â€Å"Oh, boy,† I said. â€Å"If you're having existential pain from dodgeball, you're really just doing it wrong.† â€Å"I don't think you appreciate the philosophical subtleties of the sport,† Enzo said. I started giggling again. â€Å"Stop it,† Enzo said mildly. â€Å"I'm being serious here.† â€Å"I so hope you're not,† I said, and giggled some more. â€Å"You want to get lunch?† â€Å"Love to,† Enzo said. â€Å"Just give me a minute to extract this dodgeball from my Eustachian tube.† It was the first time I had ever heard anyone use the phrase â€Å"Eustachian tube† in common conversation. I think I may have fallen a little bit in love with him right there. â€Å"I haven't seen the two of you around much today,† I said to Hickory and Dickory, in their quarters. â€Å"We are aware that we make many of your fellow colonists uncomfortable,† Hickory said. It and Dickory sat on stools that were designed to accommodate their body shape; otherwise their quarters were bare. The Obin may have gained consciousness and even recently tried their hand at storytelling, but the mysteries of interior decoration still clearly eluded them. â€Å"It was decided it would be best for us to stay out of the way.† â€Å"Decided by whom?† I asked. â€Å"By Major Perry,† Hickory said, and then, before I could open my mouth, â€Å"and we agree.† â€Å"You two are going to be living with us,† I said. â€Å"With all of us. People need to get used to you.† â€Å"We agree, and they will have time,† Hickory said. â€Å"But for now we think it's better to give your people time to get used to each other.† I opened my mouth to respond, but then Hickory said, â€Å"Do you not benefit from our absence at the moment?† I remembered Gretchen's comment earlier in the day about how the other teens would never come up to us if Hickory and Dickory were always hanging around, and felt a little bit ashamed. â€Å"I don't want you to think I don't want you around,† I said. â€Å"We do not believe that,† Hickory said. â€Å"Please do not think that. When we are on Roanoke we will resume our roles. People will be more accepting of us because they will have had time to know you.† â€Å"I still don't want you to think you have to stay in here because of me,† I said. â€Å"It would drive me crazy to be cooped up in here for a week.† â€Å"It is not difficult for us,† Hickory said. â€Å"We disconnect our consciousnesses until we need them again. Time flies by that way.† â€Å"That was very close to a joke,† I said. â€Å"If you say so,† Hickory said. I smiled. â€Å"Still, if that's the only reason you stay in here – â€Å" â€Å"I did not say it was the only reason,† Hickory said, interrupting me, which it almost never did. â€Å"We are also spending this time preparing.† â€Å"For life on Roanoke?† I asked. â€Å"Yes,† Hickory said. â€Å"And how we will be of best service to you when we are there.† â€Å"I think by just doing what you do,† I said. â€Å"Possibly,† Hickory said. â€Å"We think you might be underestimating how much different Roanoke will be from your life before, and what our responsibilities will be to you.† â€Å"I know it's going to be different,† I said. â€Å"I know it's going to be harder in a lot of ways.† â€Å"We are glad to hear that,† Hickory said. â€Å"It will be.† â€Å"Enough so that you're spending all this time planning?† I asked. â€Å"Yes,† Hickory said. I waited a second to hear if anything else was coming after that, but there wasn't. â€Å"Is there anything you want me to do?† I asked Hickory. â€Å"To help you?† Hickory took a second to respond. I watched it to see what I could sense from it; after this many years, I was pretty good at reading its moods. Nothing seemed unusual or out of place. It was just Hickory. â€Å"No,† Hickory said, finally. â€Å"We would have you do what you are doing. Meeting new people. Becoming friends with them. Enjoying your time now. When we arrive at Roanoke we do not expect you will have as much time for enjoyment.† â€Å"But you're missing out on all my fun,† I said. â€Å"You're usually there to record it.† â€Å"This one time you can get along without us,† Hickory said. Another near joke. I smiled again and gave them both a hug just as my PDA vibrated to life. It was Gretchen. â€Å"Your boyfriend really sucks at dodgeball,† she said. â€Å"He just took a hit square on his nose. He says to tell you the pain isn't nearly as enjoyable if you're not around to laugh at it. So come on down and ease the poor boy's pain. Or add to it. Either works.†

Friday, January 10, 2020

Human Relations Movement Essay

Human Relations Movement refers to those researchers of organizational development who study the behavior of people in groups, in particular workplace groups. It originated in the 1930s’ Hawthorne studies, which examined the effects of social relations, motivation and employee satisfaction on factory productivity. The movement viewed workers in terms of their psychology and fit with companies, rather than as interchangeable parts. â€Å"The hallmark of human-relation theories is the primacy given to organizations as human cooperative systems rather than mechanical contraptions. George Elton Mayo stressed the following: Natural groups, in which social aspects take precedence over functional organizational structures Upwards communication, by which communication is two way, from worker to chief executive, as well as vice versa. Cohesive and good leadership is needed to communicate goals and to ensure effective and coherent decision making (Wilson & Rosenfeld, Managing Organizations, McGraw Hill Book Company, London, p. 9. ) It has become a concern of many companies to improve the job-oriented interpersonal skills of employees. The teaching of these skills to employees is referred to as â€Å"soft skills† training. Companies need their employees to be able to successfully communicate and convey information, to be able to interpret others’ emotions, to be open to others’ feelings, and to be able to solve conflicts and arrive at resolutions. By acquiring these skills, the employees, those in management positions, and the customer can maintain more compatible relationships. (DuBrin, A. J. (2007). Human Relations Interpersonal Job-Oriented Skills, Pearson Prentice Hall, 9th. ed. , New Jersey, p. 2. ) Institutes where human relations are studied include: The Tavistock Institute, co-publishers of the Human Relations journal; the NTL Institute for Applied Behavioral Science; The Oasis School of Human Relations, Masters Degree in Globally Responsible Leadership (Oasis Press publishes human relations books and manuals); Trevecca Nazarene University, Bachelors Degree in Management and Human Relations for working adults; the University of Oklahoma offers a Bachelor of Arts in Human Relations, as well as a Master of Human Relations; Concordia University (Montreal, Canada) offers a Bachelor of Arts in Human Relations, as well as a Master of Human Systems Intervention.

Thursday, January 2, 2020

The Harlem Renaissance The New Negro Movement - 1008 Words

The New Negro Movement, also known as the Harlem Renaissance, spanned in the 1920s in which African American culture attained unparalleled political and social recognition despite the ongoing horrors of being black in America. New Negro was coined during the Harlem Renaissance indicating a more open advocacy of dignity and a refusal to submit to Jim Crow laws and racial segregation. The movement weakened the notion of the African diaspora as an event of forced migration isolated in the past and changed it into an ongoing practice in black internationalism. The New Negro Movement caused African Americans to claim their citizenship which stroked new boundaries within the communities and lead them to see the rise of jazz, powerful†¦show more content†¦African Americans studied or travelled to European cities and met and shared ideas with artists of various cultural backgrounds, including those from the Caribbean and Africa. Some artists often included in their artwork reflectio ns on modern African-American experiences alongside other African diasporic cultures and significantly looked at ancient African material cultures, particularly Ancient Egypt, as one element in which to re-create and re-frame modern black identities. The use of ancient symbols and histories within this era was a cultural and political effort, challenging racist views and reclaiming histories of African civilizations. The visibility and intensity of the period symbolized a major shift in the degree to which black people could and did claim the authority to speak about and represent themselves and their experience. They came with their hopes and their dreams of a new and different life, seeking relief from labor exploitation and white violence. This applied even to those who had managed to get an education or who had served in the armed services, where their patriotism and valor abroad did not translate into employment opportunities upon returning home from war. Some came as the latest wave of immigrants from the Caribbean, Puerto Rico, and Cuba, to a country that appealed to their sense of dignity and worth, where their work ethic would help them advance. None could escape the race consciousness that boundShow MoreRelatedThe Harlem Renaissance : The New Negro Movement843 Words   |  4 Pages The Harlem Renaissance, also known as the New Negro Movement, was an important time period for African American culture in the United States. It was an innovating period where many unknown artists became prominent for their talent and ethnic heritage, and brought upon many new connections between races. As a cultural movement, the Harlem Renaissance brought changes to America that would have long term effects on how art is created, viewed, and accepted. â€Å"The Renaissance was more than a literaryRead MoreThe Harlem Renaissance : The New Negro Movement1459 Words   |  6 Pagesas the Harlem Renaissance. The main focus of the era for the African Americans was to establish some sort of identity and self-expression through literary, musical, theatrical, and visual arts. The story behind this began in 1890 when African American slaves migrated from the rural South to the urban North as they thrashed their way to freedom. Most of them migrated to New York, particularly in the district of Harlem (Bolarinwa). Harlem was characterized as â€Å"not merely the largest Negro communityRead MoreHarlem Renaissance Essay1341 Words   |  6 Pagesduring the Renaissance was they had really short life there was no black people in it other than artists. Harlem Renaissance were first one to cri ticize black and white. They came to dominate Harlem Renaissance through creativity and culture. Madhubuti’s contention, Jeffery Stewart stated after major victories of the civil rights movement another intellectual and cultural rebellion called Black Power movement. Madhubuti’s, a black arts movement members relationship with Harlem Renaissance is one ofRead MoreJohn Altoon s Jazz Players From 19501396 Words   |  6 Pagesart deco style with his use of bold contour line outlining geometric shapes along with his use of strong saturated colors. Altoon’s Jazz Players reflects Modernism by exemplifying cubism as well as Harlem Renaissance art through the use of angular, geometric shapes and the depiction of the â€Å"New Negro.† John Altoon was born in 1925 in Los Angeles and died in 1969 at the of age 43 due to a massive heart attack (Orange County Museum of Art Website). Altoon’s other works were known for being involvedRead MoreBlack Lives During The Harlem Renaissance1373 Words   |  6 PagesBlack Lives During the Harlem Renaissance New Negro Movement, the elegant roaring times of the Billie Holidays’, Dorothy Wests’, and the Augusta Savages’. The rebirth of African American arts, took place in Harlem, New York in the early 1920’s. The New Negro Movement was utilized to describe African American as artistic, conscious, sophisticated. The Great Migration was the movement of 6 million African Americans who began to move from the rural southern parts of the United States to the NortheastRead MoreThe Harlem Renaissance with Langston Hughes1676 Words   |  7 PagesHarlem Renaissance with Langston Hughes The Harlem Renaissance brought about uniqueness amongst African Americans; everything was new. The visual art, the jazz music, fashion and literature took a cultural spin. During this time writer Langston Hughes seemed to outshine the rest with amazing works. The Harlem Renaissance brought about many great changes. It was a time for expressing the African American culture. It is variously known as the Harlem Renaissance, the Black Literary RenaissanceRead MoreEssay on The Harlem Renaissance and Its Societal Effects 1133 Words   |  5 PagesWhat Is the Harlem Renaissance, and What Effects Did It Have On Society? Harlem was like a great magnet for the Negro intellectual, pulling him from everywhere. Or perhaps the magnet was New York, but once in New York, he had to live in Harlem(Langston Hughes, The Big Sea). When one is describing a â€Å"fresh and brilliant portrait of African American art and culture in the 1920s (Rampersad, Arnold),† the Harlem Renaissance would be the most accurate assumption. The Harlem Renaissance proved to AmericaRead More`` Walls Of Jericho ``999 Words   |  4 Pagesgo out on the floor to dance I am lost in a sea of white faces†¦Time was when white people went to Negro cabarets to see how Negroes acted; now Negroes go to these same cabarets to see how white people act.† African-American physician, radiologist, musician and novelist Rudolph Fisher was coupled with the Harlem Renaissance, whose fiction credibly illustrated black urban life, particularly in Harlem. In his first novel, Walls of Jericho, Fisher humorously and satirically presented a hopeful visionRead MoreHarlem Renaissance : A Cultural, Social, And Artistic Explosion840 Words   |  4 Pagesexplosion that took place in Harlem between 1919-1929 became known as the Harlem Renaissance. The Harlem Renaissance was a great time period in history for blacks. The Harlem Renaissance included great artists such as Langston Hughes, James Weldon Johnson, James Baldwin, and more. The Harlem Renaissance was a movement in which blacks asserted themselves by embracing their racial identity and appreciating their African heritage. In my opinion the Harlem Renaissance gave blacks a sense a pride. ItRead MoreThe Negro Movement1364 Words   |  6 Pagessurprised just how far the African American culture has come. The progression of the African American culture is indeed one to be proud of. From cotton fields to Harlem, â€Å"The New Negro Movement†, sparked a sense of cultural self-determination, with a yearning to strive for economic, political equality, and civic participation. This was a movement that sparked a wide range of advancements in the African American culture. Leaving footprints of great individuals as well as set a path way for future generations